Full Metal Alchemist Fanon Wiki

This article, ShonenChicoBoy, is property of ShonenChicoBoy.


Anger roy
Full Name ShonenChicoBoy
Aliases "Shonen", "Chico", or "Boy"
Kanji ショウネンチコボーイ
Rōmaji Shounenchikobōi
Meaning ShonenChicoBoy
General Information
Race Human
Birthdate October 31st
Birthplace Amestrica (like Amestris, only 'Murica)
Age Do the math
Gender Male
Height Classified (taller than Ed)
Weight Classified
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Not ginger
Unique Trait Almost 1/4 hispanic
Sign Scorpio, Year of the Ox
Blood Type Ginger
Professional Information
Affiliation State Military
Partner User:Dedmnwalkn88
Base of Operations Here
Personal Information
Education It's complicated
Marital Status Also complicated
Goal To impose FMA domination upon the world, mwah hah hah
Status Alive
Signature Skill Writing, drawing, Spanish-speaking
Weapons My ninja skills of awesomness
Alchemy Better than yours

Ciaossu! I'm ShonenChicoBoy, and welcome to my profile page. This is the part where I try and say something interesting about myself, and where you find me non-interesting and go to do something better with your time. But it's all good. Leave me a message or check out some of my articles. If you happen to be searching for a certain pair of droids, these are not the ones you are looking for.

About Me[]

So first off, I’m a guy who tries not to take himself too seriously. I do take knowledge seriously though... in other words get the facts straight! And I’m rather serious about my writing as well. But other than that... hey, it’s life. We only get one chance to take ourselves unseriously. The glass is always half-full.

FMA was one of the very first anime that I ever saw, but towards the end of the series my interest in it sort of dwindled. However, this year after some chats with fellow FMA fans, I came up with the idea for Hans Fuhler and suddenly decided to look for a fanon wiki to write on. It was also at this time that I finally started to watch FMA Brotherhood, and I guess that you can say the series has grown on me, and is slowly becoming one of my favorites. Now my goals are to finish my personal fanfiction project, collaborate with others in RP's, and revive this wiki. But I'm really just a simple guy who's here because he loves Fullmetal Alchemist.


  • My hobbies include soccer, hunting, writing, drawing, and cooking.
  • I am planning to study languages and linguistics. If you need a Spanish or Japanese or English translation, let me know.
  • Bleach was the very first anime I ever saw, and my introduction to the world of manga and anime.
  • ... But I consider myself to be more of an enthusiast of Japanese culture in general, (including history, food, language, and martial arts) not just anime. *Snub snub*
  • My theme song, before I am about to do something epic, is Eye of the Tiger, from Rocky. When I fail to accomplish aforementioned feat of epicness, it is Don’t Stop Believing, by Journey.
  • My voice actor in English is Morgan Freeman. In Spanish it is Billy Crystal. In Japanese it is Jackie Chan. (All misappropriations intended.)




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For Your Entertainment[]


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WLB-Spanish Este usuario es un traductor español (no oficialmente).